Evan Coopes
APA Titled Musculoskeletal and Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist
BSc Physiotherapy; BSc Human Movement; Graduate Certificate (OMT); Graduate Certificate (Sports and Exercise Rehabilitation); MClinPhysio (Musculoskeletal)
As a APA Titled Musculoskeletal and Sport & Exercise Physiotherapist, Evan is an expert on all things pain and injury related.
Throughout his career Evan has held diverse roles in private and public health, education and clinical development. We are so lucky to have Evan on our team, with his depth of knowledge and vast experience.
More recently, he has enjoyed pursuing a mix of clinical work coupled with academic roles at Curtin University. His role at Curtin includes teaching and program development (both entry-level and professional post-graduate programs) and his teaching responsibilities include post-graduate anatomy and pathology, post-graduate clinical supervision and applied musculoskeletal and applied exercise science. Evan’s key clinical interests and expertise include testing and programming for performance and reducing injury risk alongside assessment and exercise-focused rehabilitation of all forms of musculoskeletal and sporting injuries.
Evan has a special interest in complex conditions and exercise rehabilitation. If you have a complicated case, or need some additional guidance to return to sport or life, give us a call today, or click "Kings Park" in our online booking service.
Evan also offers second opinion consultations for those who have made little or no progress with other professionals.
Location: Kings Park